February 1st is a significant date in the modern calendar, marking the first day of spring; in the Christian calendar, marking St. Bridget’s Day and in the Celtic calendar, marking Brigid’s Day and the start of Imbolc. It is a time of growth, the emergence following the darkness and cold of winter, new life and a time of inspiration.
So February is a significant month in our Craft Collective, when we are facing the new year, generating new ideas and open to inspiration from all the sources around us.
Members of our collective all love and work in the Waterford area, and many are inspired by the coast, the sea and the landscapes around us. Tramore beach, bay, sandunes, pier, the Copper Coast, the rocky shores along the coast, the Comeragh Mountains and the Suir estuary feature either directly in the work, or inspire or sustain the people making the art and craft you see on these pages.
Here we have Joyce Murphy, author, reading from the poem Awen, from her book Inner Rumblings.
https://www.coastguardcreatives.ie/product/joyce-murphy-inner-rumblings-book-of-poetry/ This is the Druidic word for Inspiration and we hope it helps inspire you, the listener.